pure for non-smokers
The documentary is part of the Pure Smoke-free follow-up campaign with the goal of inspiring smoking parents to make a serious attempt to quit smoking.
the campaign pure for non-smokers It is an initiative of the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports (VWS). The goal is to encourage smokers to make a serious attempt to quit until they finally do.
In addition to the mini-documentary, the campaign consists of a Online commercialstickers and Online content More emphasis is placed on the positive aspects of a smoke-free life.
The campaign was developed in collaboration with the Trimbos Institute, Health Funds for Smoke-Free, Pharos and Stoptober.
Agency: Rorda Advertising Agency
Created by: Joeri Jansen, Wilmar Versprille, Barry Bol
Account: Judith de Graaf and Orian Bam
Strategy: Tabbouleh Rasa
Online Video Director: Gertie Keel (Caps)
Music and sound design: Feike de Wit (Sound Circus)
Directed by “Second Smoke”: Rimko Kappelhoff (CCCP)
DPC official: Monique Taal and Denise Rog
VWS Official: Mariëlle Verlouw, Gerwin Bos and Janneke Leek
Trimbos official: Dagmar Feenstra
PR: exPRtease
Media Agency: Initiative
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