March 21, 2025

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

VWS short documentary warns parents of the dangers of secondhand smoke

VWS short documentary warns parents of the dangers of secondhand smoke

pure for non-smokers

The documentary is part of the Pure Smoke-free follow-up campaign with the goal of inspiring smoking parents to make a serious attempt to quit smoking.

the campaign pure for non-smokers It is an initiative of the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports (VWS). The goal is to encourage smokers to make a serious attempt to quit until they finally do.

In addition to the mini-documentary, the campaign consists of a Online commercialstickers and Online content More emphasis is placed on the positive aspects of a smoke-free life.

The campaign was developed in collaboration with the Trimbos Institute, Health Funds for Smoke-Free, Pharos and Stoptober.


Agency: Rorda Advertising Agency

Created by: Joeri Jansen, Wilmar Versprille, Barry Bol

Account: Judith de Graaf and Orian Bam

Strategy: Tabbouleh Rasa

Online Video Director: Gertie Keel (Caps)

Music and sound design: Feike de Wit (Sound Circus)

Directed by “Second Smoke”: Rimko Kappelhoff (CCCP)

DPC official: Monique Taal and Denise Rog

VWS Official: Mariëlle Verlouw, Gerwin Bos and Janneke Leek

Trimbos official: Dagmar Feenstra

PR: exPRtease

Media Agency: Initiative

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