January 10, 2025

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

Wall Street Journal: YouTube plans a ‘streaming services store’ – Sound and Vision – News

Google has one of the best papers for making something beautiful out of this.

Huge content delivery experience.
Geographically distributed data centers
The platform used all over the world is called YouTube.
A superior marketing machine.

Content creators do not consider providing content as their primary business. If Google redefines its YouTube platform as the content delivery network for business, (sort of like Azure hosts with us, you do!) then you’re in gold. Add the magic of Adsense to that and you’ll have a template that belongs to content creators.

Then you have one platform with everything!
It would be ideal to pour that into the subscription form. Paying per view raises the bar significantly.

Are there any downsides?
Yes, but these are the downsides that Google actually faces. Instead of running away, one should realize that these exist and look for ways to communicate. It’s not meant to be *bad* with certain preference algorithms, it’s just a consequence.

That’s why we also have privacy advocates, it’s up to them to always stay connected and get some things done through a neat political path.

A great plan, if everyone does their best, then something very beautiful can be made.

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