Just before leaving for New York, Lavrov clearly expressed his displeasure. “A country that calls itself the most powerful, intelligent, free and fair has shown fear and done something stupid, demonstrating the value of the guarantees it has undertaken to protect freedom of expression and access to information.”
Rest assured we will never forget or forgive this. His deputy added that the Americans should expect retaliation for this.
The US State Department declined to comment to the Associated Press news agency. And in the Agence France-Presse, the US authorities indicated that the ministry regularly issues visas to Russian delegations to attend United Nations meetings, but there are delays in processing files because Russia itself has imposed restrictions on the US embassy in Moscow.
Whatever the case, the issue only heightens tensions between the two countries. In Russia, the American correspondent of the Wall Street Journal has been in prison for several weeks. Ivan Gershkovich, 31, faces 20 years in prison for spying for the United States, according to the Russians. The Wall Street Journal and the United States deny these allegations. They say that the trial is politically motivated.
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