March 7, 2025

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When can you find the most promotions in the supermarket?  Does moving between jobs give you a higher salary?  Read all the tips from the Great Money Debate here  Fiscal month of September

When can you find the most promotions in the supermarket? Does moving between jobs give you a higher salary? Read all the tips from the Great Money Debate here Fiscal month of September


The big money debate is over

Peter Jan Vanstockstraeten/Photo News
© Peter Jan Vanstockstraeten / PhotoNews

Reread the full live blog below. Thanks for continuing the big money discussion here. Do you also have a question yourself? Then forward it to [email protected] Our experts are trying to answer them.


The last question: Is this young generation worse off than their parents?

“This is a kind of death-mongering. Our ancestors also had to take out a housing loan at 10% interest. So I’m not that pessimistic,” says labor expert Stijn Bert.


Our wages are going up, isn’t that possible for our meal stamps as well?

“That’s not going to happen,” says our financial expert Paul Dore. “Meal stamps are the part of your pay that is actually withheld. So they’re taxed differently. So the government has to adjust that. Which they don’t intend to do.” “Maybe the next government will want to work on that.”


“For every 100 euros of wages, an average of 53 euros goes to the government.”

For every euro an employer pays, an employee without children keeps an average of only 47 cents. Our country is also not in a good position for dual-income couples with two children, says our labor expert Stijn Bart (UGent). He offers two golden tips for seeing fewer cents flowing into taxes


Is this correct? I asked for a raise last year.


Only 16% of Flemish people did so according to our poll. “We don’t do it enough,” says Stijn Bert.

“Of course you also have some organizations where the salary is tied to your position,” he says. Annick Bosmans, CEO, Randstad. “Those wages are transparent, and that’s a good thing. For example, you can’t be jealous of your colleague.”


“Changing jobs gives you 11% more pay.”

“Changing jobs can make you money,” says labor economist Stijn Bart.


Jolene changed jobs six times and received higher pay each time

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In seven years, Jolene changed jobs six times to earn more money. The difference between the lowest and highest wages is 600 euros.”

10:50 pm

Do you have a large income and still find it difficult to save? The budget expert offers three concrete tips

“You can save €100 a month by canceling your expensive TV subscription to Telenet and streaming more frequently. There is now a promotion for Disney+, where you can temporarily subscribe for just €1.99,” says budget expert Sarah Zuenepoel.

The expert also recommends taking a closer look at your health insurance fund: “Some health insurance companies are more beneficial when you get older, others focus on young families.”

“Finally, do an annual checkup of your fixed costs. Because your life can change dramatically in a year.”


“Sometimes it’s helpful to make purchases online.”

Reading advice:Are meal boxes always more expensive than your shopping? Our journalist compares prices and services offered by the best-selling meal box supplier: from HelloFresh to the cheapest supermarket in Flanders – Colruyt.


What is the best time to store?

“Supermarkets think like this: if customers are less inclined to buy things, we lower prices. September is a good example. Because then many families have big costs. So you can still score good deals this month.” , says our financial expert Paul Dore.

Read here about products you’ll never have to pay full price for.

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Which supermarket is really the cheapest?

“If you want to buy A brands like Nutella, you’ll find the lowest prices at Colruyt in your area. If you don’t want chocolate from Nutella, you’re better off going to Aldi or Lidl. Do you want to buy in bulk? Then you definitely should sKeep an eye on the promotions at Albert Heijn and Jumbo,” says Paul D’Hoore.

Compare prices at major supermarkets in our shopping cart.


“Go shopping on Tuesdays and Thursdays”: This is how you save money in the supermarket

“It’s always good to take the list with you,” retail expert Pierre-Alexandre Billet tells Birgitte. “Then you can stick to that and you won’t be tempted to buy more expensive products. Also dare to be flexible. If you want to prepare chicken, and chicken legs are on promotion. Then go for it.”

“It’s also not a bad idea to go to the supermarket on a Tuesday or Thursday. Then you can usually buy the 30 percent unsold produce. Finally, always look at the price per kilo, not the individual price. This can make a real difference for products like onions.” “


“We pay almost 15% more in the supermarket.”


“Inflation has gone up really dramatically. “Today we pay 14.7 percent more in the supermarket than last year,” says Laura Claeys of Testancope.

Luke Ardis defends himself by saying: “At the beginning of the Ukrainian crisis, prices in our country barely rose. This was the case in our neighboring countries. It is logical that this increase also occurred in our country. It is also true that in our days you can find In each store, you can buy cheaper products. You no longer necessarily have to go to Aldi or Lidl.”

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“Perception is different from reality”

Discussing Money Luc Ardis - CEO of
Discussing Money Luc Ardis – CEO of © VTM

According to Luc Ardis, CEO of, prices in Belgian supermarkets have not risen more than in our neighboring countries. “You should also know that the store’s net profit is only 1.29%. This is a big difference with banks that make a net profit of 10%.”

Money discusses supermarket profits
Money discusses supermarket profits © VTM News


Is this correct? Supermarkets keep prices artificially high

More than 9 out of 10 viewers think so. This is the vast majority of our 2,500 voters.


Will home loans get cheaper again?

“Interest rates are currently at a steady level. I don’t expect them to fall in the short term. So waiting a year before taking out a home loan makes relatively little sense,” says our financial expert Paul Dore.


Is this the right time to enter into a permanent energy contract?

© Dr

“With a permanent contract, you always pay more at the beginning. This makes sense, because the energy supplier is actually taking risks. However, I do not expect prices to rise significantly immediately. So I do not think it is necessary to change to a fixed contract,” says Paul Dore. .


“The Flemish saves 14% of his savings.”

“It is best to keep two monthly wages aside as a financial reserve,” Paul Dore advises. “This usually prevents problems if relapses occur.” Flemish people save an average of 14% of their savings. Calculate here the buffer you need.


“Possible second country voucher”

The Money Debate Van Petegem
The Money Debate Van Petegem © FTM

“There may be a second government bond,” says Minister Vincent van Petegem (CD&V). “If the big banks don’t offer higher interest rates, we will encourage savers with new government bonds.”


Belvius attacks the other people at the table

“I usually also discuss interest rates with Argenta and Minister Van Petegem. But one party did not want to comment on this matter. I find this very unfortunate,” said chief economist Veronique Goossens.