Het duurt nog ruim een jaar, maar de discussie is alvast losgebarsten. Wie volgt Van Rossem op bij De slimste mens?
Als presentator is Herman van der Zandt al binnengehaald, maar ook zijn sidekick moet van goeden huize komen.
“Het allerbelangrijkste is dat er chemie is”, zegt kijkcijferkenner Tina Nijkamp tegen NU.nl. “Dat Herman het fantastisch gaat doen, staat voor mij buiten kijf. Maar er moet goed worden nagedacht over die klik. Er staat heel veel op het spel.”
The smartest person This is more than just coordination, Nijkamp explains. “Linda de Mol and Martin Crabbe have tried it before, but their version failed. Martin and Philippe have really put this show on the map. I hope a comedian will not be cast, as in the Flemish version. Just that serious thing. I enjoy working much more with A little self-reflection.”
Daphne van Rossum, TV reporter at Telegraph, Approves. “I often find comedians on TV shows much less funny. Someone like Martin is quite unique. I can really laugh at him. I think you need another authentic nag. But I’m struggling to think of someone quite like you who could be hanging out in an armchair, haha.” “
“I think I would choose Johan Derksen,” says Van Rossum. “Ego par excellence The person you love to hate. Yes, I can totally see him in this role. Today inside I’ll never let him go, but… The smartest person It is registered in advance. So in principle it is possible.”
Nijkamp thinks Jan Mulder is a good candidate. “He also has that lightness. He can be very assertive, but he doesn’t always have to measure up to other people. There’s a difference between a complainer who can put himself in perspective and someone who goes against everything. I think that doesn’t work well.”
“I have a feeling they’ll be watching the Belgian version after all,” Nyekamp says. “In this case, I certainly hope they don’t end up with Marc Marie Hegebretz or Jan Jaap van der Waals. I think they’re too ‘specialized’, not broad enough. Then Joop van’t Heck will attract more people.”
“Even with the new faces, I think there is a good chance of success,” Van Rossum adds. “People absolutely love the game and Herman van der Zandt is a good choice anyway. But in terms of the participants, they can still make a difference. Last season that dropped a bit to the C rating. Whereas they can have everyone.”
In Ngige, ideas are now pouring in to choose a new president of the jury. Comedians such as Pauline Cornelis, André van Duyne and Hermann Winckers, or famous scholars such as Erich Scherder, Diederik Jekyll and Midas Deckers are mentioned. User _bbdefa_aa suggests the idea of rotating, or working with two arbitrators. “This way you can also try a little of what the audience likes.”
NUjij’er The_Cross intentionally does not mention names. “Martin is irreplaceable to me,” the user writes. “Great guy, has his feet on the ground and has funny answers. I’m glad I attended one of the final episodes.”
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