March 18, 2025

Taylor Daily Press

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World Cup turns straight.  What can Nina Druel do in the final on uneven bars?  |  More sports

World Cup turns straight. What can Nina Druel do in the final on uneven bars? | More sports

Flying Lotto League

Volleyball: Roeselare does not give the brave neighbor Menin

Frank Dipsestelle rearranged his pawns after the surprise home defeat to Guibertin. Kindt moved to the middle cabin to increase transmission pressure, and Dermaux was played as the opposite. Bell replaced Steyer in the role of Lebro. Gap Blasky and Micon Light in Roeselare. In both the first and second sets, the home team had chances to win part of the match (19-15, 16-14), but Roeselare always broke that flow with a strong serve by Tamiro and Coleman. In the attack, Argentine Kokartsev again showed himself, just like last week. He scored 24 goals in three groups. Minin couldn’t control his unimpressive attacks. In the third inning, the home team immediately trailed 4-9. Subsequently, the race management demanded a leadership role with an unnecessary card for Farhannemann and several dubious decisions on both sides. Minin tried to make something of it, but Roeselare played it in a controlled manner. The home team is left behind with a 0 of 9, but has a reasonable feel after a good resistance against the occasional national champion. (MPM)

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